Well Ian Wishart of Investigate Magazine has been digging yet again – this time into the allegations of corruption by Police Commissioner Howard Broad and various MP’s in the 1980’s. Helen Clarke and her Labour MP’s have been aware for many years of extensive police misconduct and has done well with the smoke screen of PC Broad’s admission to watching an illegal movie, but wait there is more:
It seems that the police corruption goes as far south as Dunedin with PC Broad et al involved in sexual misconduct at the Dunedin CIB;
Police HQ, Dunedin CIB and the Labour Government together stopped an investigation into a bondage/child sex ring which was operated by a police officer’s father and attended by at least one Labour cabinet minister;
Michael Cullen and David Benson-Pope (of tennis ball fame) ran the damage control over the above sex case in 1985;
Labour MP’s Pete Hodgson, Tim Barnett, George Hawkins and Matt Robson were aware of major sex allegations of police misconduct as far back as 2000. This included the knowledge of videos of police rapes and bestiality involving police officers;
Current and former Dunedin police officers have been involved in numerous rapes of staff, prostitutes and civilians;
LIES- The Labour Government were aware of police corruption for many years and turned a blind eye;
Dunedin and Christchurch Police assisted organized crime by ignorning under age sex and drug dealing in return for sexual favours from brothels;
The police have files on politicians and public figures to assist them in blackmailing the government should the need arise;
There were several corrupt top police officers investigating the David Bain case;- AND THE VIDEOTAPE
Police Commissioner Howard Broad has admitted to watching a bestiality video. This is both illegal and prohibitive to screen such objectionable material. He admitted to this basically to try and come clean with the public and to quash any further investigations into his and other police officers misconduct. Of course he has the support of the Labour Government on these issues.
Ian Wishart has uncovered vast amounts of corruption, misconduct and general abuse of power. He is calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry but it will be interesting to see how far this is taken. Have New Zealanders had enough of in-depth police enquiries or are they interested in clearing out the top brass who have been involved in this mess and are being rewarded by equally corrupt and dishonest Labour MP’s.
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