At 43 he is still totally HOT!!
Granted his work demands that he looks good, fit and sexy but genetics, breeding and the X-factor is something that cannot be changed or bought!!!
Well Ian Wishart of Investigate Magazine has been digging yet again – this time into the allegations of corruption by Police Commissioner Howard Broad and various MP’s in the 1980’s. Helen Clarke and her Labour MP’s have been aware for many years of extensive police misconduct and has done well with the smoke screen of PC Broad’s admission to watching an illegal movie, but wait there is more:
Ian Wishart has uncovered vast amounts of corruption, misconduct and general abuse of power. He is calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry but it will be interesting to see how far this is taken. Have New Zealanders had enough of in-depth police enquiries or are they interested in clearing out the top brass who have been involved in this mess and are being rewarded by equally corrupt and dishonest Labour MP’s.
Bring it on Mr Key, your country needs you!!!!