Thursday 5 July 2007

Dressing by Numbers

Here is an online alternative to Trinny and Susannah. Truly is the creation of New Zealander, Sharlene Camp, a former model and fashionista. All that is required is a few profiling questions which are done in a fun and upbeat way and you will be given options of what designs, shape and colour suit you best. The list of designers is small at present but no doubt will grow in time. This could take some of the guesswork out for those who don't have time to shop (God forbid) or are unsure of what suits them - saves the cost of a stylist - YAY!! You have to be honest in how you answer the questions though otherwise you are only cheating yourself - but for a bit of fun you could try something wild and see what you come up with.

1 comment:

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

This site looks awesome, i'm going to go check it out now!