Friday, 30 March 2007

Does Size Really Matter?

Since when did buying jeans become so complicated. I mean, there are so many styles, fabrics and sizes and we haven’t even got to THE labels yet. When I got asked what I would like I obviously had to say I wanted the latest, hottest style available – of the Kate Moss variety of course, otherwise what would be the point.

After trying on various labels, and hopping around in the changing room for half an hour I walked out with the jeans with the longest (and yes!! tightest) leg. I think this style should have a warning attached to it:


Please consult your medical professional
Before attempting to wear this garment.
May cause loss of blood circulation and
Tightness of breath (from onlookers)
(this may be a good or bad thing)

But don’t let this put anyone off. With the way our nanny state is going, we will be legislated soon enough and there will be a fat tax imposed on everyone who exceeds their BMI. How PC is that?